Hello dear readers and good folk. Here we are – yet again – as it’s time for another riveting update from yours truly. As is the norm these days, this one is a bit delayed, as we’ve been on a getaway to “the promised land”. We didn’t quite get what we were promised though –…
Monthly Update #54 (February 2023) – The Promised Land
Monthly Update #53 (January 2023) – The Gold Standard
2023 is off to a flying start! By the end of 2022 everyone was screaming about a looming recession (even myself). So far it’s no-where to be seen, and the “experts” have now pushed it to arrive in the 2nd half of 2023 (instead of the 1st half). Nobody knows what’s going to happen, so…
Monthly Update #52 (December 2022) – Bbye 2022! I’m not going to miss you!
I know what you’re thinking: Is “Bbye” even a word?! – Well, according to the urban dictionary it is! Bbye: A bitchy way of saying “goodbye have a nice day”, often used by “office suckers” and women with no self decency over the phone. (Sorry – but that’s what it says! You be the judge of which…
Monthly Update #51 (November 2022) – The Pay Bump
Oh, hello! Here we are again 🙂 Another month has gone by, and per usual these days I’m a little late with my update! Well, better late than never, right?! 😛 Another month went by without me managing to produce more content for the blog, besides the monthly update. It’s a little annoying, but I’m…
Monthly Update #50 (October 2022) – Back in Black
Update #50! Oh my, where did time go? We’re finally back in green territory this month – but just barely, though. Let’s take a gander at them numbers from October 2022, shall we? 😉
Monthly Update #49 (September 2022) – The “fun” continues
Here we are again, and this is getting a little old by now, isn’t it!? Let’s just get it over with, shall we?
Monthly Update #48 (August 2022) – OMG, When Will It End!?
Another month, another update! 🙂 I’ve been pushing this update in front of me in hopes that there would eventually be some good news to share! Alas, there is not. Here we go…
Monthly Update #47 (July 2022) – Resurrection
Here we go again! A bit delayed this month due to summer holidays and what-not. But better late than never, right? 😉
Monthly Update #46 (June 2022) – Cash is King
Another month – another update from yours truly! It’s summer holidays, and thus I’ve spent quite some time in the proverbial hammock, as is the norm 😉 I’ve thus not had a lot of time (read: I’ve honestly just tried to forget the past couple of months – from a financial perspective at least) to…
Monthly Update #45 (May 2022) – The Curse of The Black Pearl
Here we are again! It seems the months fly by faster and faster during the summer season. In the winter-time it feels like the months go on forever! It’s summer already, and I’m already starting to dread (a little) the 21st of June. Why? Well, for two reasons: It’s my wife’s birthday, and I never…