Monthly updates

Monthly Update #47 (July 2022) – Resurrection

4 min read

Here we go again!

A bit delayed this month due to summer holidays and what-not. But better late than never, right? 😉

The month in review

There’s not a whole lot to report this month. We went on summer holiday (in Denmark) and spent some much needed time in the proverbial hammock.

Luckily, while we rested in our hammocks the markets worked in our favor. A nice GREEN month! FINALLY!

Savings was rather slow this month, and passive income was pretty ordinary as well.

I had some € released from “savings lockup” on Nexo and instantly transferred it back to my Revolut account and onwards to my brokerage account. This all happened within the same day! Pretty amazing actually. As I mentioned in my previous update, I’ve decided to hoard cash for a while.

I’m still scouting the market for Real estate opportunities, and I’m sure something of interest will pop-up eventually. A while back I was looking at solar/wind investments, which seems like an extremely good investment at the moment (electricity prices have skyrocketed). Unfortunately I did not manage to find anything to my liking.

We have more or less decided though, to invest in a solar panel setup for our primary home (figured I’d make this one a DIRECT investment). But since we live in an “old town”, there are rules and regulations that’s making it difficult to get the installation approved. I have hopes that we will ultimately receive the approval though.

We’re looking at an installation of 20x415W BlueSun panels (8.3kW total), coupled with a Huawei inverter and a 5-10kW LFP battery. These type of gadgets do not come cheap, and it’s an investment that will take 8-12 years (depending on the electricity prices) to recuperate. But I feel like I have to do something to try and lower our utility bills, as they have simply run completely amok. We’re looking at a combined heating + electricity bill of 3x the amount we paid last year. It is absolutely ridiculous, and it’s honestly making me a little sick to my stomach thinking about it. Everything we’ve saved for the past couple of years is just being washed away by these ridiculous energy prices.

Researching solar panels has taken quite some time, so I’ve not spent many minutes on my investments this month – which I guess is a good thing. They call it passive income for a reason, right? 😛

The pwetty graphs

After a difficult beginning to the summer, we finally hit a green month! Lets hope we get some more of those in the coming months! 🙂

The boring income statement

Platform Invested Transactions Last month Current value Monthly income
GOLD (Coins) € 5,333 € 0 € 6,000 € 6,000
€ 6,000 € 6,000
Stocks (Dividend portfolio)
Bank of Nova Scotia (BNS) € 1,000 € 0 € 1,398 € 1,490 € 15
Granite REIT (GRT.UN) € 1,859 € 0 € 2,938 € 3,087 € 4
PROREIT (PRV.UN) € 2,018 € 0 € 4,140 € 4,422 € 19
Toronto Dominion Bank € 1,000 € 0 € 1,068 € 1,081 € 9
TransAlta Renewables (RNW) € 2,000 € 0 € 2,461 € 2,746 € 8
True North Commercial REIT (TNT-UN-T)* € 3,552 € 0 € 3,459 € 3,828 € 20
€ 15,464 € 16,654 € 75
Stocks (Indices)
iShares Global Clean Energy (IQQH) € 6,667 € 7,039 € 8,221 € 0
iShares MSCI World Min Volatility (IQQ0) € 4,417 € 5,234 € 5,432 € 0
Xtrackers MSCI World ESG (XZW0) € 2,721 € 2,459 € 2,549 € 0
€ 14,732 € 16,202 € 0
Property #1 € 68,667 € 0 € 68,667 € 68,667 € 0
€ 68,667 € 68,667 € 0
Celsius (ADA, BTC, DOT, ETH, MATIC) € 0 € 426 € 426 € 0
Binance (ATOM, FTM, LUNA, ONE) € 0 € 50 € 50 € 0
Nexo (BTC, ETH, MATIC, EURx) -€ 1,025 € 4,603 € 3,810 € 25
€ 5,079 € 4,286 € 25
Bank #1 cash (main savings) € 533 € 3,200 € 3,733
Bank #2 Opportunity money € 1,025 € 15,333 € 16,358
Broker account (CAD, EUR, DKK) € 75 € 75 € 150
€ 18,608 € 20,241
Total balance € 128,550 € 132,050

The interest payments on Nexo are always on time, which is nice. Since I’ve started withdrawing some EUR, unfortunately I will not see that much income from Nexo going forward. I guess I will have to look elsewhere for more passive income?… 😉

The Classic Growth Charts

As always, I include the Classic Growth Charts for tracking purpose.

I have not reached my savings goal for the past couple of months due to higher expenses than usual (vacation, extra padding for the budget account and new glasses – again). Next month should get me back to the average savings trend though.

In Conclusion (TL;DR)

No major updates this month!

My investments went back in GREEN, which was nice to see after a couple of horrible months!

We’ve been looking at solar panels for our primary home. Hopefully we will get to install some this year, but supply chain issues and having to wait for permits might push this “house update” into 2023.

Still hoarding cash – while we wait for the right Real Estate opportunity to show itself, so we can add Property #2 to the roster…

That’s it for July 2022! Hope to “see” you again next month 😉

How was your month btw?!


2 thoughts on “Monthly Update #47 (July 2022) – Resurrection

  1. Thanks for keeping us posted, and congratulations on a green month. Do you need to buy the batteries? Can’t you just sell any excess back to the grid?

    1. At the current rates it would certainly make sense to sell the over production to the grid, but the battery will help offset some of the Price fluctuations, so when you come home and start using the oven or the stove (after the sun is gone), you don’t have to pay for the power at the most expensive hours of the day. You don’t have to have the battery, but it gives you options. In theory you can also use the battery to buy power from the grid when it’s cheap and sell it back when it’s expensive :-p

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