Hello friends & foes and good people of the Internet! Here we are again. It’s been about 3 months since my last “confession”, so I thought it was time to give you guys an update on the life situation over here in little old Denmark.
Life update #4 – When life give you lemons
Goodbye 2022 β Hello 2023!
Well, we made it this far. I remember looking so much forward to writing these “yearly goal posts” in my first couple of years of writing on this blog. I’ll admit, I can’t seem to muster the same kind of excitement for this particular one. Perhaps it’s because it was a huge loss-year where I…
Four Years Later
About two weeks ago I began getting notifications from my hosting provider; It’s time to renew your hosting plan! When this happens, I know that I’ve managed to clear another year of blogging! Putting that in perspective, I can compare it to finishing my bachelor’s degree in engineering. That also took me 4 years (give…
What I have learned from 15 years of investing (analyzing my returns from 2007-2021)
January is my least favorite month of the year (it’s long, cold, dark and it seems like the Summer is never going to come back). – But this part right hereΒ is something I look forward to every year! I get to look back at the previous year, and zoom in on one of the pillars…
My investment strategy (2.0)
I often see people asking whether XX or YY is a good investment, and when talking to people about the general topic of investing, they often ask one of these two questions (or both): How much money have you made (by) investing? or What have you invested in – is it XYZ?! I’ve never been…
Finding your purpose
It’s no secret that a lot of us (humans) often struggle to find our “reason for being” – our purpose in life. Why are we here? Where did we come from? Where are we going? These are some of life’s hard questions, and we’ve been (probably – we can’t really know for sure) searching for…
Say Hello to my little friend (Property #1)
It’s been more than 6 months, since I first introduced my plans of purchasing a chunk of real estate, via a real estate development company. 37 posts later (!), and here we are! Of all those posts, this one is by far the most exciting one to write! π I’ve spent countless hours reading numerous…
My investment strategy
It’s been a while since I’ve written about my investment strategy, so I thought it was time for a little update on that front, seeing that this is supposed to be a personal finance blog. – I realize that it has taken a bit of a slant towards the personal part, rather than the finance…
Finding the right balance
Lets face it, as a species we are highly controlled by our stone-age brain. Since the dawn of time, man have been battling their instincts. At first, it was kill or be killed. Hunt, or die of hunger. Build fires, or die of cold. Build buildings, or die of cold. Snap/Insta or be irrelevant!… You…