Monthly updates

Monthly Update #50 (October 2022) – Back in Black

3 min read

Update #50!

Oh my, where did time go? We’re finally back in green territory this month – but just barely, though.

Let’s take a gander at them numbers from October 2022, shall we? 😉

The month in review

After months of watching my portfolio decline we finally hit a little green this month. Granted, it was a tiny step forward after many months of going backwards, but it’s always nice to see a little green in the accounts (pun intended! 😛 ).

After selling some of my indices in September, I’m (once again) very cash heavy. – And what do you know, just as the positive bank interest returns! What a stroke of good luck. My cash stash is now degrading by 1.20% less than the inflation! (So like, 7-8%? BWHAHA). I’ve transferred the majority of my cash holdings (back) to Norwegian Bank who are now (once again) offering a tiny interest to their customers. If I remember correctly it was only around 0.70% (years ago) last time I had my cash there, and it’s now at 1.20%. It seems almost like a fortune! My cash is actually generating a cool €1 every day! Retirement, here I come! HAHA!

AND, on another note I’ve been contemplating adding another dividend stock to the portfolio for a while, and I finally pulled the trigger in October. Enter: Enbridge! Who’s tagline is “We fuel quality of life”. Aaaw, isn’t that cute? They are big on natural gas (still), but like many other energy companies they are pivoting into renewable energy sources. Anyway, to be completely honest this buy wasn’t really that well thought out. I just wanted something that would balance the portfolio a bit, and provide a decent dividend. 

Enbridge has paid dividends for over 67 years to its shareholders. A pretty decent track record, I would say. The current dividend yield is about 6% and it’s paid quarterly. 

My cash stash “dividends” combined with my stock dividends means that our average monthly dividend payout now exceeds €100. This is obviously not huge, but it’s a small stepping stone to get to €200, then €500 and then maybe €1000? 😉 I realize that dividends are not the most tax advantaged investment income (especially not in DK), but it’s a great motivator to have that (tiny) monthly cash flow. It now adds up to the equivalent of 1 months’ worth of extra savings in a year, which I’m quite happy with. Slow and steady wins the race (eventually…).

The pwetty graphs

The yearly goal seems pretty far away at this point in the year, and unfortunately I do not have any tricks up my sleeves this time around. We’re definitely not going to reach our goal this year.

The boooring income statement

Platform Invested Transactions Last month Current value Monthly income
GOLD (Coins) € 5,333 € 0 € 6,000 € 6,000  
      € 6,000 € 6,000  
Stocks (Dividend portfolio)          
Bank of Nova Scotia (BNS) € 1,000 € 0 € 1,246 € 1,222 € 14
Enbridge (ENB) € 2,400 € 2,400 € 0 € 2,421 € 0
Granite REIT (GRT.UN) € 1,859 € 0 € 2,543 € 2,585 € 7
PROREIT (PRV.UN) € 2,018 € 0 € 3,954 € 3,916 € 19
Toronto Dominion Bank € 1,000 € 0 € 1,112 € 1,101 € 8
TransAlta Renewables (RNW) € 2,000 € 0 € 2,261 € 2,183 € 9
True North Commercial REIT (TNT-UN-T) € 3,552 € 0 € 3,219 € 3,390 € 20
      € 14,335 € 16,818 € 77
Stocks (Indices)          
iShares Global Clean Energy (IQQH) € 6,667   € 8,368 € 8,363 € 0
Xtrackers MSCI World ESG (XZW0) € 2,721   € 2,421 € 2,426 € 0
      € 10,789 € 10,789 € 0
Property #1 € 68,667 € 0 € 68,667 € 68,667 € 0
      € 68,667 € 68,667 € 0
Celsius (ADA, BTC, DOT, ETH, MATIC)*   € 0 € 426 € 426 € 0
Binance (ATOM, FTM, LUNA, ONE)   € 0 € 52 € 65 € 0
Nexo (BTC, ETH, MATIC, EURx)   € 0 € 720 € 845 € 5
      € 1,198 € 1,336 € 5
Bank #1 cash (main savings)   € 666 € 1,333 € 666 € 0
Bank #2 Opportunity money   -€ 2,400 € 6,318 € 29,634 € 5
Broker account (CAD, EUR, DKK)   € 77 € 24,383 € 137 € 0
      € 32,034 € 30,437 € 5
Total balance     € 133,023 € 134,047  

Passive income now coming from 3 different sources once again (albeit very lopsided 😛 ); Stock dividends, cash interest and crypto. 

As I mentioned earlier, having passive income is not ideal for compound interest, but it works great as a motivator for me to keep pushing for more (passive) income.

The classic growth charts

As always, I include the Classic Growth Charts for tracking purpose:

In conclusion (TL;DR)

First green month in what seems like a year! (it’s not though).

I moved my cash back to Norwegian bank where it’s now yielding a cool 1.20% bwahaha.

I added another dividend stock to my dividend portfolio; Enbridge. With this my monthly dividend should now average around €100/month. Not sure I will ever get to €1000, but I sure do hope so 😉

Anyway, we lived to see another month!

See you next month!

2 thoughts on “Monthly Update #50 (October 2022) – Back in Black

  1. Nice to get an update! I agree totally about what you say regarding dividend – It is easy to find the negatives especially in Denmark, but that feeling of money being transferred to your account is a special one and a great motivation.

    I love to follow your journey (once had the blog and am excited for you regarding your investment in property 1 – It’s gonna starts it’s payout in 2023, right?

    All the best

    1. Thanks for following and commenting, Mikael!
      It is much appreciated that you guys are still following my journey.
      It is according to the original plan that the first major payout from Property #1 is arriving in late 2023, yes – but it is not set in stone, as its up the owners (we are 9) to decide if we want to remortgage or not. It will also be up to the bank to decide whether they will allow it or not, and given the current market situation I Think its unlikely that they will allow it, without wanting guarantees from the owners (us). I do not want to be personally liable for the real kredit mortgage, so if that is required I’m going to opt out. Ultimately this Can mean that I will have to sell my share in property #1. Of course I hope it will all work out, but prepared to sell it if I have to (at a profit of course).

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